Montgomery Primary School Exeter
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Radio Devon Live Broadcast

BBC Radio Devon broadcast its entire 10am-1pm show LIVE from Monty in a special carbon neutral show! Monty was chosen due to its Passivhaus building which relies on body heat to keep the building warm, as well as being a net energy producer due to our solar panels on the roof.

The show featured:

  • Interviews with the children about their views on climate change
  • Questions from the children to climate scientists
  • Interviews with local councillors about climate change and what is being done here in Devon
  • Interviews with Mr Edge (including one on the roof to discuss the solar panels!)
  • Live music

We also featured on the television too! Spotlight ran two different features on Monday- one in the morning and one for their teatime bulletin.

The children were fantastic role models for the school and spoke both knowledgeable and passionately about the greatest issue facing our generation. Our 2100 curriculum, which highlights that it is our children who will be adults at the end of this century, reflects the need for us to do more and our School Parliament are working on how we can take steps as a school to become even more eco-friendly.

The BBC news website also ran a story on the day's events:

Have a look at the gallery and our Spotlight TV broadcast below! There is also a special 'thank you ' from video from the BBC team to the children at Monty which also gives an insight as to how their radio and TV studios operate.

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